Northwest Fire Fighters | Local 3572

Northwest Fire Fighters


Northwest Firefighters Charities

Mission statement: Our Mission is to care for our community through direct action at a personal level to help those in need.  

We are a 100% volunteer organization made up of firefighters and our families. Any money raised goes directly back into the community through one of our many programs. Because we are a volunteer organization, we heavily depend on your kind donations to be able to service our community. If you or a loved one is in desperate need for help, please reach out by sending an email to us. We will do what we can to help or direct you to the appropriate resources. Thank you for partnering with us to help those who need it.

NWFF Charities Leadership

James McElligott



Phone: 520-606-3058

James Skillman

Vice President


Phone: 520-237-1437


Brandon Mazzola



Phone: 520-419-0132